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Hanna Sillitoe

For more than 20 years, Hanna Sillitoe suffered from severe psoriasis, eczema and acne. They dominated her life and shattered her confidence. When her doctor told her the only remaining treatment was a chemotherapy drug, Hanna took matters into her own hands and started researching a natural solution. She changed her lifestyle dramatically and cut out caffeine, alcohol, added sugar, dairy, wheat and nightshades.

Five years on, Hanna is free from all skin complaints and has gathered a huge online audience. She published the hugely successful book, Radian (Kyle) in 2018. Her next book, Skin Healing Expert (Kyle, 2020), follows, the launch of her new skincare range, for which she won support from Peter Jones and Tej Lalvani on BBC's Dragons' Den. Hanna lives in the Peak District.

